This company operates with reliable representatives and strong and coherent communication in the field of cargo transportation. The consultants of this company are ready to provide services in the shortest possible time by choosing the best transportation route according to the weight and volume of goods of the owners.
Amir Logistics Company was established with high accuracy and speed of operation to provide air transportation services from all over the world to Iran and vice versa, and provides the services required by customers by using the services of reputable Iranian and foreign airlines and charter planes.
The oldest type of transportation is sea transportation. Amir Logistics International Transportation Company is ready to provide information with experienced agencies based in ports for customs clearance, customs affairs, transit from ports to various types.
Amir Logistics International Transport Company, with its experienced staff, is able to transport goods by sea directly from most ports in the world to Iranian ports. In direct sea freight, the goods are transported to the destination port without changing the ship or container.
Amir Logistics International Transport Company with years of experience in land, sea, air and rail transportation in all parts of the world as well as experienced and professional staff provide valuable services in relation to international transport and trade in all cities. Iran to provide you dear customers. Amir Logistics International Transport Company with more than 2 decades of continuous and successful activity in the field of trade, transport and international trade and consisting of experienced staff in the field of logistics; Ready to provide comprehensive and professional service in all processes of the supply chain to all merchants and customers. Providing the highest quality services continuously using modern infrastructure and advanced technology in accordance with the needs of customers and the most up-to-date standards in the world Improving the activity and uninterrupted service with accurate knowledge of customer needs is one of the goals of this company.
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